Waldorf Pedagogy: an educational system towards freedom of thought


Since 1919, the date on which the first school based on this methodology was founded and today has more than 1000 schools in the world, owe their beginnings to Rudolf Steiner: philosopher, educator, literary scholar, artist, theatrical author and esoteric and occultist social thinker; has managed to be a pillar for study for the Kusi Kawsay school in the city of Pisac, Peru.

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Machu Picchu: The Inca’s old town, a place with a lot of mysteries yet to be discovered

From the 15th century these mighty buildings that rise well above the mountains, home to an ancient civilization that led the architecture to another level, with large rock structures carved to perfection and ways that keep a secret that remains dormant within its walls.

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A new way to get to know and connect with the peruvian culture through Peru Cultural Journyes

Peru Cultural Journeys

The culture of Peru has more than 10,000 years of history that attracts millions of tourists every year, and Pisac is one of the busiest areas in connection with the ruins of Machu Picchu, where in conjunction with the communities a family business provides a unique experience in the sector.

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