The Amazon River in Peru and how it became part of one of the 7 wonders of the world

Considered the longest and largest river in the world, the Amazon not only houses a large amount of liquid source that flows into the Atlantic sea, with a contribution of up to 170 thousand meters per second; but, it is  a habitat and sustenance for an infinity of species that coexist around it, of which human beings are also included.

Moving from great part of the South American territory, this source of running water, is the most extensive currently around the planet earth, with a water basin of 7.05 million km2 that exceeds in mass the water content of the Nile, Yangtze and the Mississippi. together; It was also considered the longest, reaching 7062 km in length.

One of the most representative species, is the pink dolphin of the amazon

Although this is a river that passes through several localities of the continent such as Peru, Colombia and Brazil, its origin or birth is attributed to this first mentioned country, which is an important resource for the economy and tourist wealth of Peru.

Birds are also an important part of the biota of the place

The surroundings of the Amazon River have been an important milestone for the development of diverse cultures over time, finding large amounts of shells that are associated with communities of the ceramic age. The area is very rich and productive, because the old populations burned areas of forests, forming a kind of fertile soil layer, called “terra preta de Índio”

It was then that, during Francisco de Orellana’s trip on the river, he baptized some of the tributaries that are attached to the Amazon, such as Río Negro, Napo and Jurua. In his trip in 1541, it is estimated that more than 3 million Indians lived in that area, and Orellana surprised the women warriors who dominated the bow and arrow.

The species of frogs are very abundant in the jungle and some are poisonous

This exploration had a strong point in the history of the river, where several events occurred along its route, which can be seen in the following video:

For almost a century it was believed that the source of the river source was the drainage of the Apurímac River, and it was not until 2014 that two US researchers identified the Rumi Cruz Highlands  as the beginning of this important water source

It contains a biodiversity of fishes, birds, reptiles and number of mammals that go into the Amazon rainforest, being a resource of vital importance for the indigenous communities of Peru, as well as, a means of traveling to various places

A wonderful place that since 2012 was declared one of the 7 wonders of the world by New7Wonders; a well-deserved recognition for a site with a lot of history, culture, habitat diversity and species such as the pink dolphin (the largest river species currently registered)

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This article that an official source for Kawsaypaq

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