Pisac: a town with more than 5000 years of history and culture that refuse to die

Peru is a country that keeps many secrets inside as are the ancient civilizations, their customs and their languages, same that still prevail, despite the many years that have passed, being one of the richest cultures and pioneers in the American continent.

In the year 3200 b.c. the oldest communities of America, Caral-Supe formed the ancient Peru, which was at that time very rooted in certain traditions that gave beginning to a modern civilization that had to evolve with the progress of the cities, the new generations and the increase in the knowledge of new ways of seeing life.

Being this part of the continent as a main source of cultural exchange from some countries such as China, Japan and the European continent that have contributed to the diversity of customs and traditions.

The language is one of the most important riches of a nation, being in this case the Spanish the official language, most people speak the native language, as is the quechua which houses around 6 to 7 million people who speak it, being a nationality with bilingual people and that make it the first indigenous language of America, followed by the Guarani.

The Andean culture has the greatest tradition and history in the Americas

We emphasize that this language is not only a form of communication between human beings, but also is a way of demonstrating how powerful can be the perseverance of a population in the care of the culture that surrounds it. As we well know the greater identity that a person can have in his life, it is the language with which it communicates.

In the town of Pisac or P’isaq in quechua,  a village near the city of Cusco that belongs to the Peruvian State, we can also find from beautiful landscapes with mountains of various forms, to the ruins of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Machu Picchu so recognized that form part of the route to the town of Pisac.

The ruins of Pisac in the Sacred Valley of the Incas have a lot of history on the part of the ancestral communities

On the streets we perceive the shades of the iron that gave shape to the stones that are joined together to form the pavement, the rigid walls of each house, roofs and even certain parts of the houses that still conserve what a day was part of a community that lived on to look at the stars and be guided by them in order to cultivate their food, living off the land, and felt breathing in the aroma of nature, which translated all the universes in a single and unique culture.

All this is not lost, because there are several communities adjacent to this village and many others in the country who continue with the task of generating a value to their customs, which were of their ancestors and that now they transmit to those who visit, whether domestic or foreign

The Amaru Culture, that resides in Pisac, is one of the communities with greater tradition and that still conserves its old customs

One of these very important traditions is the language, that  we very well know that are 47 that spoken in Peru, this represents the majority of the cultural and ethnic part of the nation, a symbol for those who speak and write as it is reflected the years of ancient civilizations history.

Some phrases that we can find are Imaynatan munanki chaynallatataq munasunki : that means as much as you estimate another, others also will estimate you;Imaynan kashianki? / How are you?; Allillanmi / I am well; Iman sutiyki?, Iman sutiki? / What is your name?, among others that can be found here.

The Quechua language is spoken mostly by the inhabitants of Peru, and is ranked as the best positioned in South America

Although it may seem a difficult to communicate, the truth is that its peculiarity lies in what’s special about its accent and grammatical structure that can get to be quite complex, but that certainly shows us how diverse, unique and distinctive we can be human beings, we now know that every language has a history of its own, and it is everyone’s duty to take care of her.

This is why this company Kawsaypaq is concerned to maintain this identity, creating value in the Community, in particular with the tourists that visit us every day. At the head of this are Peru Cultural Journeys, Cuchara de Palo, Pisac Inn and Unucha Spa are the services that promote the culture, encourage the production and above all create consciousness in local passengers and of other countries.


This article that an official source for Kawsaypaq

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