A transcendental travel that begins several centuries ago, being a key point for the mega diversity of species of plants and animals that give rise to a variety of cuisine which served today a number of dishes that are difficult to find in other place of the planet.
Peru is a country located west of the south american continent, with the influx of pacific ocean on its shores, well above are elevated valleys, mountains and snow-capped mountains reaching its highest point 6768 meters above sea level, the Huascaran; its rich and diverse culture decorate their streets, houses and even the people who breathe and live a true sense of self-identity and of belonging to this beautiful country.
If we refer to one of its highlights with greater impact on the tourists, we can mention that its exquisite gastronomy makes Peru a unique and special place, and for this we go back many years ago where it has not yet been born the grain from the ground, but it was perceived the smell and taste of a delicious Peruvian dish.

This is how the story begins in a remote corner of the world with the ancient Andean community and a large number of facts that resulted in the merger of four continents in a single country, from Europe to Asia, Africa, and all this is what we now know as the peruvian cuisine in its more than 490 dishes that are without doubt one of the most important attractions.
Interned the traditions of the food in pre-Columbian times with the cultivation of endemic vegetables such as corn, potato, sweet potato, yuca, among others that were mixed with a variety of aromatic herbs and peppers or uchu, as it was called at the time of the incas that until today is a characteristic ingredient of Peruvian food; In addition to the many species of animals that were lived made them eat seafood, duck, guinea pig, alpaca up to certain lizards; there are so many ways of preparation of corn beer (Chicha), yuca (masato) and the carapulca, considered the oldest Peruvian stew.

Continuing in the colonial era that generated an evolution marked with the inclusion of some vegetables such as onions and garlic, milk products, the use of farmyard animals such as chickens, beef, and pig, the vine essential for the creation of wines and of course the traditional pisco; the tamales, the fritada and if we sweeten a little more “alfajores” and the manna, and there are many more varieties that gave rise to a fusion of flavors.
As for the republican era with the arrival of several cultures was the trigger for the culinary cuisine with the introduction of pasta, El Tiradito, the panettone, the sautéed heat and the sweet and sour flavors in the meat and the popularization of the rice consumed today in its different forms of preparation that has been given
Today it is one of the countries renowned for its spectacular gastronomic taste, award-winning gastronomic capital of America in the year 2006, since its expansion and knowledge in other cultures and countries is already a success due to its historical trajectory and mega-diversity. We also have an own innovation known as the novoandina cuisine, which emerges as a matter of urgency to rescue and care for the ancestral forms of cooking by returning to the use of native ingredients such as the oca, coca, uchu, moraya, quinoa, among others, that have culturized and shown that Peru of today is the one of before and more traditional than ever.

For this reason, we invite you to be part of this wonderful place that is waiting with open arms for you to enjoy as you deserve, with excellent attention, beautiful landscapes, a lot of culture and of course incredible food, keep in mind our products in the town of Pisac: restaurant Cuchara de Palo, celebrating the ancestral gastronomy; boutique hotel Pisac Inn, a cozy and comfortable place to rest; Unucha Spa, a quiet and relaxing space to remove the stress and a Peru Cultural Journeys, maintaining cultural values with a travel experience you will never forget.
This article that an official source for Kawsaypaq