A family project that has grown out of the hand of their founders, who make up part of the Kawsaypaq team and all those who have contributed directly or indirectly to what today is one of the best companies in tourism that can be found in the town of Pisac, Peru.
In this town has various tourist attractions as an Inca archaeological site with over 5000 years of history that enclose a vast agricultural zone that, despite being in a high place the Incas solved the problem of cultivate in the hills; moreover, they have a very characteristical astronomic observatory and also that it is part of the archaeological circuit to Machu Picchu and Ollantaytambo.

A community development project that was born more than 19 years of the what was a venture with the aim of strengthen the values obtained through years of tradition of ancient civilizations that inhabited in the village of Pisac, where today we can find in its walls, floors, and roofs of the cultural value of their ancestors.
There are several initiatives that have driven the ideals of this company and all of them are instilled values that promote sustainability and strengthen our brand as socially responsible and committed to the environment. We comply with standards and policies that respect the integrity of the internal and external factors to our work such as:
Sustainability Policy, our activities are unique to the customer, we are looking for quality in the service and thus control the impact on the environment, discrimination and any type of sexual harrasment; in addition, we work with local people helping to maintain a growth in the community with practices that value the true andean culture.

Social Responsibility, committed to the sustainability in our activities to relay to our staff and the tourist the care to the traditions and the environment, we work on projects of community value as Kusi Nan, Kusi Kawsay, Nawpa Nan, Pachamama’s Path and Runawana Apu Association of the Amaru community.

Protecting the Pachamama, we understand that there is an ecosystem that depends on us, that is why we avoid the use of toxic waste, with the organic products obtained from the project Kusi Nan we do compost, recycle plastic material and above all we maintain an environmental culture in all our activities.

Code of conduct for the traveller, we have a good plan of conduct for the tourist in the care of the environment, cultural heritage, value of the traditions and customs, to support the local economy and be a respectable and well-informed traveller.

ESSNA, our Code of Conduct against the commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in the tourism sector ensures no type of practice with the youth that goes against their human rights. We reject the sexual abuse and offer protection and facilities with laws that support and condemn those who abuse children.

All of these assurances that we do, make our exclusive service in the field of tourism, with 100% responsible practices that are reflected in our staff, customers, and in each of our Companies Peru Cultural Journeys, Cuchara de Palo, Pisac Inn and Unucha Spa. Feel supported and safe in the company of the best treatment, celebrating the Andean culture in any of our products and be sure you will have a true experience that will change your life and the way of travelling, with a sustainable tourism that worries about everything and everyone.

This article that an official source for Kawsaypaq